Thursday, October 9, 2014

Drink more water

Drink more water.

That's what my dad would always tell me if I ever complained of a headache... or if I was too tired... or if I couldn't concentrate.  99.9% of the time, he was right.  

Did you know that water makes up two-thirds of the body's weight and without water we would die within a few days? Only a 2% drop in water levels can lead to symptoms of dehydration. Water is so important.  We depend on it.  We simply cannot function without it.

There's another kind of water that I so desperately need. 

Jesus stood up and cried out,
 "If anyone thirsts,
 let him come to me and drink". 
John 37:7

But whoever drinks of the water 
that I will give him 
will never be thirsty again. 
John 4:14

O God, you are my God; 
earnestly I seek you; 
my soul thirsts for you.
Psalm 63:1

The more time I spend with Jesus, the more he fills my cup.

However, there are many who are thirsty, yet choose to fill their cup from a different water source.

For my people have committed 
two evils; they have forsaken me, 
the fountain of living waters, and 
hewed out cisterns for themselves, 
broken cisterns
 that can hold no water. 
Jeremiah 2:12 

Why in the world would God's people choose to abandon the fountain of living water which was fully accessible to them?  Instead they choose to get their water from a BROKEN cistern of self reliance.  An empty cup provides nothing. Sadly, we can all relate. We choose to dig our own cisterns in order to satisfy our needs and bring security.

Of course it makes more sense to get fresh water from a fountain that gives an unlimited supply of strength, joy, peace, wisdom, encouragement, mercy, grace, love and life.  But oddly enough, we are tempted to settle for the murky water from a broken cistern only to find that it was unable to satisfy the thirst.

So if you ever find yourself complaining of a heartache... or if you are weary... or need clarity of thought, first things first...drink more Water.  

The fountain never runs dry. The living waters never disappoint.  We simply cannot function without it.

And the Lord will guide you continually
and satisfy your desire in scorched 
places and make your bones strong;
and you shall be like a watered
garden, like a spring of water 
whose waters do not fail. 
Isaiah 58:11


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