Friday, February 21, 2014

Calmer of the storm

"Trust in him at all times,
O people; pour out your heart before him;
God is a refuge for us".
Psalm 62:8

We were getting out of the car and my youngest saw me looking at the sky and overheard me say, "The storm is coming!" She wouldn't move.  She just looked at the dark clouds and said, "Mommy, I'm scared of the storm".  I took her in my arms and whispered, "You'll be ok, I'm right here".  Her eyes meet mine and I saw peace as she smiled.  She trusted me.

Oh how I wish I could trust God like that.  To take him at his word when the storm rolls the midst of a setback...when nothing seems to be going right...when bad news just keeps coming.

Trust does not come naturally at that point.

Psalm 62:8 calls us to trust in him at ALL times.  Not just some of the time.

Trust is impossible if we are focused on the crisis, the heartache, the fear.  We need to take our eyes off the wind and the waves of our problems and look to the calmer of the storm. 

"He caused the storm to be still so that the waves of the sea were hushed".
Psalm 107:29

He will calm your storm.  You need only trust.
Click to listen: Calmer of the Storm, by Downhere

1 comment:

  1. I love this Allison! Beautiful. Thanks for the encouragement and reminder.
