Wednesday, June 11, 2014


Contentment. Satisfied with what one is or has; not wanting more.

We live in an insatiable society.  Have you ever bought something new only to find that the next big thing just came out and you immediately lose the joy and excitement of what you have? We are left empty and longing for more. This can be said for many different things in our lives.

We spend so much time admiring the other side.  The grass always seems to be greener there... maybe it's because we are too busy looking to see what's on the other side, that we are missing out on the opportunities and blessings that have been placed right in front of us.

It's time to stop living in the "if I only had that, then I could...", "if I were only this, then I would..." mentality and start living in the here and now.  Taking a moment to look at where God has us, what he has given us, and who he has uniquely created us to be for such a time as this.   

It's ok to make plans. To write down goals. To pray that our wants and desires line up with God's will for our lives. But until we allow him to satisfy the cravings of our hearts, we will continue to keep peeking on the other side... hoping... wishing... wanting. 

For I know that the Creator of this world loves and cherishes me more than I could ever fathom. He knows my heart and the longings that lie within. He knows what I need. And I trust that. So I delight myself in Jesus.  Longing for only more of him in my life.  And as I spend more time in his presence, I find true contentment. The grass is greener on my side after all. 
For I have learned in whatever 
situation I am to be content.
Philippians 4:11

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