Thursday, May 29, 2014

Are we there yet?

Wait for the Lord;
be strong and
let your heart take courage;
wait for the Lord!
Psalm 27:14

My children are in a constant state of waiting.  They do it to themselves.   "How long until I...?  When is...?  When will I...?  How many more days until...?

After I answer, their response is pretty much the same... "But Mommy, I caaaaan't waaaaait!! That's gonna take forever."  But once the event takes place and the anticipation has ended, a new question is asked.  And the waiting process begins all over again...

How many times have I been in that position with my heavenly Father?  Asking him, "When?" "How much longer?"  "Are we there yet?" And after he gently answers, "My child, not yet.",  I become impatient.   No different than my own children.

But He has already gone before me.  He understands my situation perfectly. He knows what I need even before I ask and the timing in which I receive or arrive is always perfect. So why do I throw a hissy fit when I feel like things aren't going according to plan?  The answer is simple.  My focus may be misaligned.

Something happens the moment that I respond, "Ok, I am trusting you, Lord." My attention shifts.  No longer focused on what I am waiting on or for; but instead, His presence catches my attention.  I begin to feel my anxious heart slow down to the rhythm of his peace.  I can hear him whisper, "I know the plans I have for you..."

I am able to be strong and allow my heart to take courage because I am committed to Christ and I know he is committed to me.  He has never once failed me or anyone on the face of the planet for that matter.  He has a proven track record.  Things may not always go the way I wish or pray, but I do know that he is able to do immeasurably more than I could ever imagine or dare ask... beyond my highest prayers, hopes and dreams. (Ephesians 3:20)

And He knows when, so I will keep my eyes focused on Jesus and trust his lead as I wait... on him.

This song really ties it altogether. Listen: Psalm 13 by Shane and Shane


  1. Allison, I love the music you choose to go with your posts. What is your usual process? Do you find the music and then write about it or the other way around?

    1. Thank you, Linda. It's actually a little bit of both. Music really speaks to me. But most times God puts something on my heart and I begin to write and a song comes to mind along the way.
