Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Take it.

Take my yoke upon you,
and learn from me,
for I am gentle and lowly in heart,
and you will find rest for your souls.
For my yoke is easy
and my burden is light.
Matthew 11:29-30

Yoke:  A frame for carrying loads.
Designed to encircle the shoulders of two animals to move in the same direction and work as a team.

Burden: A load being carried. Something that is difficult to bear.

An invitation from Jesus. " Come." Yet he does not demand that we do so.  He simply and sweetly offers for us to take his yoke upon our shoulders.  Why would anyone willingly take a yoke upon themselves?  Because compared to what we are currently carrying, this yoke is easy and the burden is light. Simply because He is there to help. 

He has a way of gently showing me where I am wrong.  A way of encouraging me when times get tough.  And a way of loving me like no other person in this world has the ability to do. 

So as I take his yoke upon myself, we work together as a team. We move in the same direction.  But this requires obedience on my end. I must be willing to lay down my anger, my impatience, my worries, my concerns, and my pride so that I can learn from him... from his character... the rhythm of grace. 

This is my hope. That no matter how weary I may be from carrying the burden of past regrets, fears, failures and sorrows, I will find rest in him and him alone.  Not rest in a physical sense, but rest from within my soul.   Despite the stresses and storms of life that may continue to rage on around me, I will be at peace and will be satisfied IN HIM.

He will lift my load... only if I allow him to do so. Why wouldn't I?  As I remember who he is, I will never regret that I came to him!

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